Other Calc FAQ
Q: Why is it only responding with “ERROR?”
A: This typically means there is an issue calling the OpenAI API. This can happen if your API Key is missing, invalid, or lacking funds. It can also happen if OpenAI is having problems on their end.
Q: How do I get an OpenAI API Key?
Create an OpenAI account here or by tapping on the “GET” button
Verify your account
Log in to your account
Go to the API section
Generate a new API key
Copy your API key and put it in a safe private place. OpenAI will not show you this key again.
Set up billing
Set usage limits
Q: How do I save the key in Other Calc?
A: First, copy your API key to your phone’s clipboard. When you first open Other Calc, you should see a screen asking for the key. If you instead see the calculator screen, tap the triangle in the top right corner. Once you see the screen asking for the key, tap the “PASTE” button to enter the key, and then press “SAVE” to store it. A message will appear telling you whether the key was invalid or saved.
Q: It didn’t say my API key was invalid, but the calculator still isn’t working. Wtf?
A: This can happen if your billing information hasn’t been added to your OpenAI account. It can also happen if you pasted in the key incorrectly. It can also happen if OpenAI is having technical issues on their end.
Q: Wait so this cost me money?
A: Yes, each calculation cost about 3% of one cent.
Q: I have a question that’s not listed here.
A: Send an email to tyler@blankmode.games, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.