Jazz vs Waffles Changelog

Tyler Sanders Tyler Sanders

3/17/2025 - Build 0.7.45

Ease of Access Update

  • 10 Free Battles every week for non-subscribers

    • They refill every Monday at midnight

  • Google Sign In

    • Players now have the option to sign in with Google

    • Players who’ve already made an account can sign into that account with Google if they used a Google email address when they originally signed up

  • Daily Duel without an account

    • It is now possible to play the Daily Duel without an account

    • Added minimal language to help explain how it works to new players

  • “Freestyle” renamed to “Battle”

  • New initial loading screen

  • More CRT vibes

    • Interference lines

    • Curved corners

  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue where inventory screen wasn’t displaying all items in players’ inventories

    • Fixed an issue where the Daily Duel challenger window would appear behind the choose your character window

    • Other minor bug fixes

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Tyler Sanders Tyler Sanders

2/23/2025 - Build 0.7.18

  • Minor Bug Fixes

  • Progressive Web App

    • The game can now be saved to home screens like an app. To do this, click the share button in your browser, and click “Add to Home Screen”

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Tyler Sanders Tyler Sanders

2/11/2025 - Build 0.7.16

  • Minor Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where Daily Duel would offer to resume the battle even if the player hadn’t started

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Tyler Sanders Tyler Sanders

2/10/2025 - Build 0.7.14

  • Major updates to our character creation and narrative systems

    • Smarter, funnier, and more coherent dialogue and narration

    • Funnier and more unique move names

    • Status effects that were rare are more common now such as poisoned and asleep

    • Song selection is generally more appropriate to the battles

    • Characters are better at swearing when swearing mode is on

    • Move analyses can now also swear in swearing mode

  • Minor Bug Fixes

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Tyler Sanders Tyler Sanders

2/3/2025 - Build 0.7.9

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that was causing Endless Mode to crash after finishing a chain of four or more battles

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Tyler Sanders Tyler Sanders

2/3/2025 - Build 0.7.7

Jazz vs Waffles changelog.

The first public build since July which has too many changes to list here, but here are the highlights:


Players now get accounts which can save their history and inventories across devices


This is a paid version of the game that offers premium features including unlimited freestyle battles, adjustable context settings, the ability to add context to battles, endless mode, and more features we’ll be adding soon

Daily Duel

This is a new game mode free to all players. Every day there will be a new daily duel challenger. Players can fight this character to earn trinkets and waffles, which will both be used in the upcoming item crafting.

Endless Mode

This is an Unlimited game mode where players keep battling as long as they can, always fighting the character they last won as. So, if you played as hangry turtle and beat bored hare, in the next battle, you’ll need to fight hangry turtle as a new character. After you finally lose a battle, you’ll receive an artifact from the chain of battles.

Context Settings

This is an Unlimited feature that allows for more customization over the narration including:

  • Narration Frequency which determines how often the narration and dialogue chimes in. If turned all the way down, there will only be the introduction and conclusion. If all the way up, it will basically never shut up.

  • &$!#% Mode encourages the narration and dialogue to use much more vulgar language. When paired with Sexy mode, it makes for some particularly spicy encounters.

  • Sexy Mode allows for the generation of more sexually explicit characters. When this is turned off, the game will refuse to generate most of these characters.

  • Sexy Randomizer allows the randomizer button generate characters from NSFW section of the mixable character attributes.

Battle Context

This is an Unlimited feature that allows players to add context to battles such as, why, when, or where they’re fighting, how they know each other, or their stance on GMOs.

Inventory Overhaul

In preparation for the upcoming item crafting, we’ve overhauled how the inventory works. All trinkets won from Daily Duels are shown in an inventory accessible from the main menu.

Battle backgrounds

Each battle now has a background image to show the setting.

Dynamic Aspect Ratio

The size of the screen now updates to fit whatever screen the player is using.

New Art

The style of character portraits is now heavily influenced by our own illustrations.

New Music

Most songs are now genre variations of Jazz vs Waffles Battle Theme.

Colorful Menus

The menus and UI have bright colors now.

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